Colors And Shapes Inspire Me…

I also love to write, not in the conventional way, where it may be a little stuffy. I am real, an ‘open book’ if you will, and simplicity I find is an effective way to touch people and all levels of readers. I try not to leave anyone out in everything I do.

I will be publishing articles each month under ‘Lil’ Red’s …straight from the HEART’. Each letter of the word ‘H-E-A-R-T’ has a subject I address. It tugs on many emotions and is interesting, informative, fun, and even brings you back home! It is also a way for the community to engage in and be a part of what this world has to offer. Of course some parts may be upsetting… but together we can try our best to help each other navigate this planet we live on! So, be sure to check in each month to read the next issue, and see what may strike a note with you!

Thanks again and take care, be good, and most of all – love, love, love!!!

Welcome To My Website

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Explore My Paintings


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