About Me
Where my inspiration comes from – I believe my inspiration comes from ‘YOU, the people’… and of course from my own creative mind! I had a friend say to me one time; “Oh Lil’ Red… I’d love to be in your head for just 5 minutes… it’s like ‘TOONVILE’ in there… Hahaha”! So, as you can tell by that, I have been known to have my brain kick into high gear when I have a project to do… and to be honest; it never shuts off, I am constantly thinking ‘ART’… I live, love and breathe art! It is mostly what I think about. Everywhere I look, I see art, study it and have a weird filing cabinet in my head, that files automatically; when I need it, I pull it out and apply it to where I can use it! Wouldn’t this world be a boring place without art? If you think about it… it is EVERYWHERE! Even someone who is not like-minded, can see art and appreciate it, I believe; just look around. So yes, I suppose my inspiration comes from other artists as well… of course… if it weren’t for them, I probably wouldn’t have gotten as far as I have with this gift, so I should credit my co-artists, in general, as well! So, thank you!
Why I do art – I do artistic things mainly for the love of it, but it is therapy for me as well. As most people on this planet, we all struggle, and it is what I do best! As well, it keeps me busy… I am the type of person who hates to sit and do nothing – I will credit my father for this. Some people may call him and I ‘work-a-holics’… I call it keeping sane! This world can get heavy at times, and keeping busy is a way to release pent up energy and keep the mind from playing tricks on you… so keep busy people!!!
Why I create – I create because I have been given the ‘God’s given’ talent to, and not in vain either! I am not a religious person, but I have been blessed with the talent to learn from fellow artists and apply it in my own way! I always say ‘the spirit is moving me’, like my mother used to say… family is very important and I have been blessed as well, to have good parents who taught me well, she had a lot of little sayings that I use! I will study a painting and things such as ‘brush-strokes’ and try to apply it in different pieces I do. I have been self-taught, but took one year in total, to fine tune some applications, it has helped a lot! So, I create simply… BECAUSE I CAN!!!
What mediums use – I work with mixed-mediums such as acrylics, wood, metal, clay, LED lights, rocks, computer, anything of the sort, and wherever I can apply one thing to another… My projects are not limited to just one aspect of the ‘art world’! I dabble a bit in everything I can get my hands on!!! This is sometimes where my ideas come from, simply from a certain ‘object’ that strikes my fancy and a note in my ‘TOONVILLE’ brain!
What is my style/custom – My style is a sort of ‘abstract’, but reflects mostly from my feelings and experiences in my life. I paint what makes me feel good or do what I think will satisfy my urge to create, (this is why I have several projects on the go at once this gives me drying time as an example, for a chance to hop to another project – so I am not sitting in limbo). When I do custom pieces and do what the ‘people want’… they may come to me and ask for a piece they saw, or from another artist… so I will re-create it, but try and do it with differences so as not to copy to a ‘T’ someone else’s work… this is important to me, I do not need to steal someone’s artwork, I am quite capable of creating my own stuff; but what the client wants, is important to me as well! I will try to get permission to use an idea or aspect of someone’s work, and apply it in a fashion that speaks ‘Lil Red’ so that it becomes original!!! I try to ask the client in our consultation if they mind that I use my own authenticity so as not to infringe on someone else’s backyard, and usually this is ok with the customer. Of course I can do a piece just about identical, but what fun is that? So, I ask that clients respect other artists as well as myself in this regard, and thank you!
Portfolio – I have a bit of a portfolio, and hate to use ‘this card’, but I had a fire and lost all my life’s collectibles… so pardon the fact that I do not have much to show you today, I intend on building it up from here on in!
Photo shoot – I wish to have one photo of me, my backside as I paint this New York City painting, maybe a couple from different projects (I have a lot on the go so we can choose different ‘TYPES’ of projects as examples for pictures) (Such as sculpting, my business sign, painting, using tools etc.)
Thanks a bunch Carolyn! You are indispensable to me and this new venture I am on… You will not be forgotten!!! (smiley face and ‘go back to you’ hearts)! Lol… not sure how to get emojis on here LMOA! Please give me a good heads up before the photo shoot, so that I can prepare different images I would like in there, ok? We could even use the amenities room I am thinking… and ‘book it’, so as no interruptions and it will maybe give the look of a studio… what do you think… just an idea! Love you lots, always in my prayers!!! And do not be scared of when I put the ‘not being religious’ part… there is a ‘method to my madness’ k… trust me on this one!!! KK, I am getting really excited now, truly on ‘cloud nine’ right now, yippee!!! OK, anything, or questions you need, let me know… Love ya!